Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Products

Mint Green Children Mittens $10.00

Mint Green Children Mittens $10.00
I have been trying to make fun new products for Heather's Goodies, and I have always wanted to make little kids Mittens, so I sat down and figured it out.....I hope you like them, I am going to make them in every color you can think of but the first pair is Mint Green they are only $10.00 a pair for Wonderful Hand Made Mittens

Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Products

Here are my new Hand Warmers I love them they are only $20.00 and they are Tunisian Crochet. Order yours today in your favorite color. I will make them custom just for you
New Tunisian Crochet Hand Warmers $20.00   

Friday, January 27, 2012

Neck Warmers

Hey Everyone I just wanted to let everyone know that all the Neck Warmers are on 
The SALE goes tell the New of January and you also get FREE SHIPPING to anywhere in the USA!!!
Order your Neck Warmer Today!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hello everyone

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame.
The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.” 

Bob Moawad

Just something great I was sent today, and I thought I would share this with world because it is so true!!!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Rock Star Necklace $69.00

Find the "W" $45.00

This is a fun Chain Mill necklace with Black & Red cut Glass $49.00
Not only do I love to Crochet, but I also love love love to make jewelry. I have been making jewelry my whole life, and giving it as gifts. About 3 years ago I was laid off from my job, and that's when I knew I wanted to work for myself so that I could be with my little boys. So I just started Selling my Jewelry and all my hand made goodies. Here are so photo's of my jewelry.
Close of of the fun Forbidden Fruit

Nice Cut Howlite Peace Stone Necklace $39.00

"Inner Peace" This Necklace is full of Jade and Buddha $69.00

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Products

Hello everyone,

I just want to take a minute today to talk to everyone one about some of my crochet products. I have been making really fun and cute Crochet Brim Hats for both children and adults, and for both Boys and Girls.

These hats are made with many different yarns, but I love to work with easy to care for yarn so that your Crochet Hal will keep it nice tight look. The Crochet Brim Hats are all a little different because each one gets a fun unique button. (the boy hats do not have the strap and button) These hat are $18.00 for the large and $15.00 for the small and you can find them on all of my different sites, or you can email me and I can make you any size hat in any color.heathersaiki@gmail.com

The second style of hat I have been making is the Braided Beanie, this super cute beanie is just like any other beanie but it has a really cute crocheted braid running down the side of the hat. This hat is fun and has a can come in many different colors and it is $18.00 again you can email me and I can make you any size hat in any color.heathersaiki@gmail.com

I always wanted to make Slouchy Hats, so one day I was playing around and thought up the Flower Back Slouchy Hat. This hat is so cute and so comfortable and can add a little bit of fun to your outfit and your day. This hat also comes in to different sizes small and large....the small can fit a child and also someone with a smaller head, and the large will fit an adult. These hats are $18.00 for the small & $22.00 for the large.
 I can make you any size hat in any color. heathersaiki@gmail.com

The last hat I am going to talk about today is not really a hat but more of a Head Warmer. Head Warmers have become every popular of the past couple of years and I have had many many different people ask me to make them, so I designed this Head Warmer to fit your head kind of like a hat. My Head Warmers are thicker then the normal ones and cover more of your ears, they have two buttons so that you can adjust the size of your head warmer to fit you the best,another nice thing about the buttons is that they make the head warmers more universal in size. An adult and a child can both wear the same head warmer. All you have to do is un-button and re-button so that it fits your head how you want it to, and they are only $12.00 and you guessed it I can custom make them just for you in any color you want or need just email me at heathersaiki@gmail.com because I don't have these posted on any of my web sites yet for sell, but I have tons of them ready or I can make one just for you.

Don't forget to check out the different web sites where I have my fun Crochet Hats for sale, and if you have not found my on facebook yet please go and check out my page and you can get all you product updates from me there too. =)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Working with Resin

Hello Everyone I wanted to walk everyone through working with resin molds. This is a really fun medium to work with.
 Step 1: Get all your supplies....Resin & Hardener, Molds, Mold Release, Plastic Cup, Mixing Stick, Color or Tint, Plastic Gloves & Tooth Picks 

Step 2: Spray your molds with the Mold Release and let it dry
Step 3: Measure equal amounts of Resin & Hardener in to your plastic cup
I mark my bottles with a sharpie about of every inch, so that I know that I have used the right amount

Step 4: Stir the mixture together tell its clear, this will take about 2 minutes

Step 5: Add your Color or Tint and keep stirring tell everything is mixed together and the color is nice and even.

Step 6: Next poor your resin in to the molds


Step 7: Tap out the Molds and use your Tooth Pick to pop any Bubbles that come to the top of the Mold.

Step 8: Let the resin set and dry for about 4 to 8 hours

 Step 9: Pop your fun new resin molds out of the molds.

I hope you all have a blast working with resin and molds.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Neck Warmers

I have been making my wonderful neck warmers for over 3 years now. I have never seen anything quite like my neck warmers, they are super warm and very fashionable. They are crocheted from acrylic blend yarns and I have just started working with new wool blends too. I think one of the things that make my neck warmers so unique and fun are the great buttons I use to give each neck warmer a pop. The other thing that makes my neck warmers so wonderful is the fun color combination, my neck warmer look good alone and they look great when you wear them with your coats and jackets.
There are so many fun ways that you can wear my neck warmers because of the to buttons on it. these to buttons give you a world of different ways you can wear my neck warmers.....you can wear it the simple way by buttoning up the neck warmer and just keeping it like that, or you could wear it a little loose and pull it up over your head like a cute little hood, you can only button one button and have your neck more open, ore you can reverse it and have the top button down up and wear it kind of like a cape or a shawl. These are just of few of the many different ways you can wear my neck warmer.

I hope this helps everyone that has one of my neck warmers and those of you who are thinking about getting one to you to see all of the fun and unique ways you can wear and use my wonderful neck warmers.

Thank you, Heather

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Crochet Kitchen Towels

I made these fun Crochet Kitchen Towels for my friends and family this year!!! Super fun and way easy.
Step 1: cut a cute kitchen towel in half.
Step 2: with a needle and the yarn you are going to use to crochet the top with sew a box stitch across the top of the towel...you should end up with about 40 stitch's.
Step 3: Single Crochet across the top of the towel in the New Box Stitch's....40 across
Step 4: Double Crochet Across for 2 rows.....40.
Step 5:Double Crochet across for 3 more rows, but with each row decrease each row by 2..at the end of the 3 rows you should have 16 stitch's.
Step 6: Double Crochet in the next 16 stitch's in the back loop of the last row, for 2 rows.....16 stitch's
Step 7: Decrease o the next row down to 9 stitch's.
Step 8: Double Crochet across
Step 9: Decrease down to 7 Stitch's.....7 stitch's
Step 10: Double Crochet Across for 6 rows.
Step 11: Decrease down to 5 stitch's.
Step 12: Decrease down to 4 stitch's.
Step 13: Decrease down to 3 stitch's, and finish off the end.
Step 13: if you want a ruffle Join the yarn to the front of the towel around the box stitches....then chain 3 and slip stitch to every box stitch across.
Step 14: Chain 3 Slip Stitch in to loop, 5 Double Crochet, Chain 3 and then slip stitch into loop...That is the Ruffle,Slip Stitch in to the next one and repeat the Ruffle Across.
Step 15: Sew any Button you would like to on the 6 or 7th row of the crochet, and then you can button your new crochet kitchen  towel on any rack you would like.

I hope you all have fun making this cute Crochet Kitchen Towel